crunchy and custardy peach tart

It’s hot.  Usually at this time of year, I’m glaring at everyone who is eating chili and baking pumpkin treats and looking forward to fall, wondering how anyone could possibly want to move on from the sunny days of summer.  But now it’s too hot, and I just want a few days where the high temperatures are below 90 degrees.  Below 90…that’s all I ask.

On the other hand, I’m not ready to give up summer food!  I haven’t had anywhere near my fill of stone fruits, berries, and tomatoes.  I’m lucky that Rachel’s choice for Tuesdays with Dorie this week gave me a chance to use peaches.  You can’t go wrong with a good summer peach.

In this case, those summer peaches were sliced, spread over tart dough, covered in rich custard, and dotted with streusel.  All of those extra textures and flavors just enhanced the perfection of the peaches.  Unfortunately, it involved an hour and a half of oven time.  Delicious though it was, perhaps I wouldn’t need yet another cooling shower right now if we’d eaten the peaches plain…

Rachel has this recipe posted on her blog.  I think I undercooked mine.  It was still very juicy, and the streusel wasn’t browned.  On the other hand, the tart crust was getting too dark, and the custard seemed curdled.  I don’t know the answer, although perhaps one isn’t necessary, as we certainly weren’t complaining about the tart as it was.

One year ago: Lime Cream Meringue Pie
Two years ago: Chocolate Banded Ice Cream Torte


  1. your tart is GORGEOUS! and i totally agree about being ready for some cooler weather!

  2. To hot to bake here, so I’ll admire your tart.

  3. What a beautiful tart! I’m sure it turned out fine… would it be that your heat from below was too high, which is why it didn’t brown on top? My oven’s the absolute opposite, with only heat from above. Gosh.

  4. looks lovely! hot as ever in GA, too.

  5. wow your peaches look amazing! I couldn’t get mine in a pretty pattern like that! I could not agree with you more about having a cool day- I’m dying in this heat!

  6. Ciao ! Your photos are stunning !

  7. Mmm. I have problems keeping enough stone fruit around to bake with, but that looks lovely and delicious.

  8. Your tart looks perfect! I love peaches!

  9. The tart looks delicious. Congratulations on your harvest! I too am patting myself on the back about my little cherry tomato plant. Yes, I said 1 cherry tomato plant. Sigh. Next year I’ll do better! lol

  10. This looks delicious! I would love to eat a slice right now 🙂

  11. Wow, Bridget, that is beautiful! Thank you for sharing those lovely photos. It looks like I could just pluck a piece right off the computer screen! 😀

  12. Good thing there are lots of peaches out there. I love them fresh, but this tart was hard not to do. Wish I had made a regular sized one.

    Your tart IS gorgeous.

  13. i’m with you on the summer foods/summer temps thing. i want it to be cooler but i love all this fruit!!! yum!

  14. What a beautiful result with your tart. I wish I could send you some of our cloud cover. It’s so dark and cool today we have to have the lights on in the house and I think I need to go put another layer of clothing on. I would happily take a few more hot days, they were so rare this summer in the NW.

  15. Your tart looks fab! Peaches have already left here 🙁