cafe volcano cookies

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Hey, have you noticed that I haven’t whined about gaining weight in a while? It turns out that I figured out a system that actually works to avoid weight gain. You’ll never believe this, but it involves getting regular exercise and eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Revolutionary.

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It doesn’t really involve baking three desserts one after another, but I had to squeeze almost all of December’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipes into one week because of the big cross-country move. So I was pleased to see that at least one of the recipes was sorta kinda a little healthy-ish.

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Also, weird. I bake a lot (you might have noticed?), but this technique was new enough to me that I had to send out a call for reassurance before diving in. Sure enough, the recipe is just toasted nuts mixed with egg whites, sugar and espresso powder, heated in a saucepan just enough to dissolve the sugar and espresso, then spooned onto a baking sheet in something vaguely cookie-shaped.

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They were…good. Not “savor with a mug of tea after dinner” good, but definitely “healthier than a sablé on a weekend morning while waiting for Dave to wake up” good.

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Macduff has the recipe posted.

One year ago: Buttery Jam Cookies

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  1. Nuts and eggs – says early breakfast to me. Glad you enjoyed!

  2. nice photos. I need to get my rear in gear and get more excercise. Glad that is working out for you! 🙂 Love the photos!

  3. I agree with your assessment completely these were ok cookies- certainly not bad but nothing I would crave. Pretty pictures!

  4. Nthing the sentiment that those cookies don’t seem that appealing. Maybe because at this time of the year, all I want are things that involve butter.

  5. Well, as for baking and… getting on the scale myself, I made a rule : only one (sinful) baking per week. Or if I want to bake something else, I bring it over (work, parties…) so I don’t sit in the kitchen waiting for the cookies to scream my name 🙂
    These are nice cookies and certainly a healthier option than shortbreads indeed!

  6. Hope your move is going well Bridget!
    The method for these cookies was really interesting but I think mine were a bit of a flop. I don’t like nuts so I didn’t taste them, but it seems like a lot of people actually liked them.

  7. Very interesting! I just recently received this book so I might have to check out this recipe come January when I’m ready to shed some weight!

    (Believe it or not, I used ALL my points I get for going to the gym, since last December, and I got “Baking from My Home to Yours” for free. I went to the gym, and got a free baking book. This is just not right)

  8. such a kooky recipe, but it did make tasty cookies!

  9. Y’know, I think I have to rediscover that exercise + good diet thing every few months. So annoying, isn’t it? Then again, it makes it okay that I ate 5 of these at once, doesn’t it? Plus, nuts = healthy – win! Hope the x-country move is going well!